Image credits: Eric Terrade, Gordon Cowie, Chris Murray on Upsplash
This introductory ‘Learning to Look’ mini-course gives you some foundational knowledge and skills to watch, enjoy, and explore movies (or film) on your own.
We will develop and practice the basic vocabulary and critical observation skills required to do a film analysis.
In addition, I provide takeaway guides and worksheets, so you can get the most out of watching movies with a critical eye and discussing your favorite scene with family and friends!
Image credits: Myke Simon, Samuel Regan, Chalres Deluvio on Upsplash
By the end of this course you will be able to view and critique a film of your choice.
Let’s get started with learning to look at film as an artform and practice focused and critical viewing.
Sound like a plan? Ready to roll? (pun intended) Let’s do this… And, action!